This post was written by mimi
Jun 5, 2009

In the beginning of a road trip, conversation abounds. Even when traveling alone, the mind wanders at the beginning of a trip, but when everything clears and its you and the road, listening to music just doesn’t cut the monotany of driving like a good podcast.
Discovering podcasts have greatly improved my driving experience. Here is a list of my tried and true favorite road-trip podcasts.
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This post was written by Tasha
Mar 3, 2009
By Tasha Petty
If you know of anything that should be added to this sxsw day show list, email us at
This post was written by mimi
Mar 3, 2009

Every morning I get to work, turn on my computer, check my email, and download the day’s podcasts. I used to listen to music, but when that got redundant, I wandered off to the internet for a solution and discovered daily news podcasts! While cleaning, reviewing, and editing code, i listen to the news and sip on my coffee.
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